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Network Events of 2003

3rd December 2003 - A Sub-regional Workplace Basic Skills Network Seminar Funded by SEEDA. Workplace Basic Skills: Brokering Basics, The Business Centre @ 100 Longwater Avenue, Greenpark, Reading, Berkshire.

6th & 7th November 2003 - Workplace Basic Skills Network 6th Annual Conference and AGM: 'Working with Employers', Kent's Hill Park Training and Conference Centre, Milton Keynes.

15th October 2003 - Promoting the National Tests to Employers and Employees. This event, funded by Learning & Skills Council Greater Manchester, provides an opportunity to consider how best to promote the national tests in a workplace context and to hear from practitioners sharing their experiences with the tests in the workplace.

1st October 2003 - A Sub-regional Workplace Basic Skills Network Seminar
Funded by SEEDA. Workplace Basic Skills in the South East: The NHSU - Accessing the Skills Escalator, Ashford International Hotel, Simone Weil Avenue, Ashford, Kent.

9th July 2003 - A Sub-Regional Workplace Basic Skills Network Seminar -Workplace Basic Skills in the South East: ESOL and the Workplace, The Botleigh Grange Hotel, Grange Drive, Hedge End, Southampton.

4th July 2003 - A Regional Workplace Basic Skills Network Seminar, Strategies for Professional Capacity Building and Developments Across the Health Sector in the Region, Village Hotel, Whiston, Liverpool.

17th June 2003 - A Regional Workplace Basic Skills Network Seminar - Success Models using the National Tests in Workplace Basic Skills, GHS Enterprise, South Meadow Lane, Preston.

4th June 2003 - A Regional Workplace Basic Skills Network Seminar - Workplace Basic Skills: The Role of Trade Unions, Wednesday 4th June 2003, Ramada Plaza Gatwick, Crawley, West Sussex.

26th March 2003 - A National Workplace Basic Skills Network Seminar: Workplace Basic Skills: Research and Practice, Wednesday 26th March 2003 , The Renaissance Manchester Hotel, Blackfriars Street, Manchester.

12th March 2003 - Workplace Basic Skills in the South East:
Regional Strategies in the South East with a Focus on the Health Sector, Wednesday 12th March 2003, The Oxford Centre, 333 Banbury Road, Oxford.

26th February 2003 - Workplace Basic Skills in the North West :
The Role of Basic Skills in Workforce Development, Wednesday 26th February 2003, Village Hotel, Fallows Way, Whiston, Liverpool.

12th February 2003 - Workplace Basic Skills in Cumbria: An Update And Opportunity To Discuss Issues For 2003, The Riverside, Stramongate Bridge, Kendal, Cumbria.

Latest News:

Funder Finder Serivce - Using funding to support workplace LLN delivery. A guide which considers how providers can fund workplace LLN provision.


The Toolkit: for setting up Workplace LLN - Brings together a pool of resources for workplace LLN in order to make good practice freely available.

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